
How To Use A Miswak Stick As A Toothbrush For Max Benefits

Miswak Sticks

Apart from the modern methods of taking care of your oral hygiene, e.g. the popular toothbrush and toothpaste method, use of mouthwashes and so on, did you know that there is another better way of maintaining your oral hygiene?I know this question might have caught you by surprise. And you are now trying to figure out which method of taking care of my oral health could be existing on this planet that I don’t know about? Right? Well, the new method we are talking about is the use of Miswak stick. The best part about this stick is that it’s provided freely by Mother Nature (which means it’s highly available). It’s highly effective as shown by many scientific studies conducted on it, it enables you to save money, and above all, it carries loads of benefits which we are going to discuss later in this post.

There is a lot you can learn about a Miswak today: From what it really is, what its health benefits are and how you can actually start using it today!Eager to learn all this information right away?Good! Keep tuned to this post till the end…

What exactly is Miswak Stick?

What is Miswak?

You probably haven’t gotten a better idea of what exactly a Miswak stick is right from the first time it was mentioned in this post. That’s why we have included this part in our post.Miswak stick is simply an organic toothbrush or a special kind of twig that you can use to clean your teeth. The special toothbrush is made from Olive or Peelu trees.

Though the idea of chewing this stick as a way of cleaning the teeth might be extremely new to many people around the world, the stick has been used for a long time and is very popular in many African as well as Middle East countries.People who live in these areas don’t necessarily go to the dentist because Miswak perfectly takes care of their teeth, giving them the best oral health the natural way.

It’s also important to note that the tree is very useful among Muslims today. It is actually prescribed as one of the essentials for the Muslim purification rituals.

Benefits of Using a Miswak Stick over a Regular Toothbrush

Benefits of using a Miswak

Now that you have learned about Miswak, the amazing toothbrush that can greatly improve your dental hygiene, next we are going to discuss all the benefits it comes with.Let’s start by acknowledging the fact the Miswak stick is very different from the regular toothbrush you use to brush your teeth.

Unlike your regular toothbrush which you have to use along with your toothpaste, Miswak toothbrush stands on its own to help you realize a better dental hygiene. It gives you a rare opportunity to say goodbye to toothpaste!The excellent cleaning properties of Miswak are packed in its bark and the extract produced as you chew the stick (while brushing). The bark/extract is rich in vital minerals such as silica, fluorine, sodium bicarbonate, chloride and useful antibiotic compounds.

Isn’t this all you look for when selecting the best toothpaste to use for brushing your teeth?The antibiotic properties present in the Miswak stick are highly effective against common oral diseases caused by bacteria. These diseases include plaque, gingivitis. The antibacterial properties also go a long way in preventing an existing tooth decay condition from getting worse.

Strengthening your enamel is one of the oral health goals you look forward to achieve in your daily life. Lucky for you, Miswak makes it easier for you to attain this goal. This is supported by the fact that the stick contains potassium, chloride and sodium bicarbonate. All these minerals combine forces to give you the strongest enamel.Hey! Did you know that Miswak stick contains Silica? If you did, you must have gotten a highlight another top benefit of our special toothbrush. That benefits if teeth whitening! Yes!

Silica in Miswak makes this very possible.The physical attribute of Miswak stick also makes it outdo the regular toothbrush when it comes to cleaning your teeth. This is because: unlike in the regular toothbrush where you place the bristles perpendicular to the teeth, here the bristles are parallel to the teeth.

This is very important as it makes it much easier to dislodge all the particles stuck between your teeth. Miswak also increases salivation. If you often find your mouth dry, perhaps it time you tried Miswak and see the difference.Miswak is very popular for promoting fresh breath also.

Miswak Sticks

Wrap Up

That’s all you need to know about Miswak stick. You have learned a new method of taking care of your oral health, the health benefits it’s packed, and on top of all this, you have learned how to use it to clean your teeth.

So, what are you waiting for? Get this wonderful toothbrush today and say goodbye to toothpaste!

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