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Gingivitis is a common condition where the gum tissue becomes inflamed and sometimes infected. It is most often the result of poor oral hygiene. Since gingivitis is so common, it is important that everyone know about it. If this condition is allowed to continue you can progress to periodontal disease, a condition where you can start losing your teeth.
Start by learning what gingivitis is and what the symptoms are. This will allow you to know if you have the condition. You also want to know that mechanisms behind this condition so that you understand how it occurs and what is happening with your gums when it is present.
Knowing the various causes and risk factors will give you the chance to get ahead of gingivitis so that you have the best chance at preventing it.
If gingivitis does occur, you must understand what needs to be done to get rid of it.
Thankfully, there are a number of remedies and conventional treatments that will eliminate this disease.
The information below tells you what you need to take care of the problem and understand why it occurs. This ensures that you fully treat your gingivitis and prevent it from recurring.
What is Gingivitis?
Gingivitis is a type of gum inflammation that occurs as a result of plaque, which is a type of bacterial film that builds up on your teeth. The inflammation is generally the result of a bacterial infection. This is a type of periodontal disease that is considered to be non-destructive, but if it is left untreated, it can lead to periodontitis and cause problems like losing your teeth. So, you need to pay proper attention to this problem.
You might not have any noticeable symptoms or discomfort during the mild or early stages of this gum disease. However, as it progresses, the following are possible:
- Purple or bright red gums
- When you floss or brush your teeth, your gums bleed easily
- The gums are swollen and inflamed
- Your gums are soft
- Your gums are tender and are painful when you touch them
- Bad breath
- Receding gums
See also: Best Electric Toothbrush For Receding Gums
You know that untreated gingivitis can lead to further gum disease, but it can also cause more significant issues with your overall health, such as stroke, heart attack and lung disease. It can also lead to problems with pregnancy, such as low birth weight and premature birth.
If you suspect gingivitis, you have to see your dentist to get a confirmed diagnosis since there are different medical issues that can cause similar symptoms. Your dentist will do a general gum and teeth exam and look for the common causes of gingivitis, such as plaque.
If you are experience the bleeding gums that can occur with gingivitis, you want a product that can stop it and kill the bacteria that is worsening your gingivitis. Orajel Alcohol-Free Antiseptic Mouth Sore Rinse is perfect for mouth sores, killing bacteria.
What Are The Symptoms Of Gingivitis?
The above image shows you the most common symptoms of gingivitis.
- Swollen, red and tender gums
- Bleeding gums when you brush or floss
- Teeth separating from the gums
- Loos teeth
- Pus in between teeth and gums
- Sensitive teeth
- Bad breath remaining after you brush your teeth
Why Does Gingivitis Occur?
Gingivitis prevention should be a priority for all people. The first step in prevention is accessing your risk and knowing if you have a greater chance at developing this gum disease. The risk factors include:
- Inadequate oral health habits
- Diabetes
- Reduced immunity
- Certain fungal and viral infections
- Hormonal changes
- Substance abuse
- Tobacco use
- Being older
- Taking certain medications
- Dry mouth
- Poor nutrition
- Having dental restorations that do not fit well
All of the above increase your risk, but you should also be aware of what causes this condition.
Plaque is the most common cause and the number one reason people develop gingivitis. Plaque mainly consists of bacteria and it is a type of film that accumulates on your teeth. When the bacteria that is in your mouth starts to react with food sugars and starches, plaque occurs. If you are not practicing good dental hygiene, the plaque continues to accumulate and after 48 to 72 hours, on average, this starts to get hard below your gum line.
The hardened plaque is referred to as tartar and it protects the bacteria, allowing it to thrive. Flossing and brushing are not adequate to remove tartar. Tartar and plaque act as an irritant to your gums and eventually gingivitis develops.
Since gingivitis can come with bad breath, you want to get this under control and use a product that heals your gum disease at the same time. The Breath Co Fresh Breath Oral Rinse Mouthwash (Alcohol Free) keeps your breath minty fresh while working to heal gingivitis.
How to Get Rid of Gingivitis Fast?
Gingivitis is not difficult to treat when you catch it in the early stages. There are a number of viable options that you can use, as well as mix and match to restore your oral health. The first treatment option is going to your dentist for a professional cleaning and an examination. This usually includes:
- A complete dental cleaning to remove all tartar and plaque from your mouth and teeth
- Fixing any dental restorations that are not fitting properly so that you can properly clean your mouth
The dental cleaning procedure involves using various instruments to clean your mouth and teeth. Scaling is what dentists do to remove tartar and plaque. If your gums are sensitive or you have extensive tartar and plaque accumulation, this can be slightly uncomfortable and cause pain.
If any dental restorations are not fitting right, your dentist will do what is necessary to replace them. This will alleviate gum irritation and no longer trap plaque. This may require several procedures, depending on how many restorations needs to be repaired and the exact type that you have.
After fixing any problem dental restorations and getting a full dental cleaning, gingivitis typically resolves. However, you need to do a number of things at home to keep your gums and teeth healthy so that it is not able to recur. It is critical that you practice good dental hygiene daily to prevent it.
The first thing to do at home is get the products you need for optimal dental care and taking care of gingivitis. These include:
- A toothbrush that properly fits your mouth and is not too soft or hard to ensure a good clean
- A type of floss that allows you to easily access all of your teeth. For some people floss sticks work better and other prefer string floss. Try both and pick the one you are most comfortable with
- A mouthwash that will kill germs and reduce how much plaque accumulates throughout the day
- A tongue scraper to remove bacteria and germs from your tongue
- A gingivitis rinse that contains hydrogen peroxide if gingivitis is present (make sure to read the instructions on the bottle to ensure that you are using it properly)
<< Click Here For Leading Products To Fight Gingivitis >>
To get started, you will perform your entire dental routine in the morning.
Start with brushing your teeth for two full minutes using an up and down motion.
Next, you will floss between all of your teeth, making sure to remove any leftover debris. Use your tongue scraper after you floss.
Lastly, use your mouthwash to fully rinse away germs and bacteria and to protect your teeth throughout the day.
If you are using a gingivitis rinse, use it per the instructions as part of your dental routine. You will do this again at night right before you go to bed.
While performing your dental routine twice a day is the standard recommendation, more and more dental experts are recommending a third time. Ideally, this would be about halfway through your day to ensure that your teeth and gums are as clean as possible all throughout the day.
See your dentist every six months. At this time, make sure to get a professional teeth cleaning and exam. This will help to prevent gingivitis or catch it in the early stages so that treatment is easier.
Get rid of gingivitis using a mouthwash that eliminates the disease and protects your gums. Listerine Advanced Defense Gum Treatment for Gingivitis works to treat gum disease and you can use it long-term to prevent a recurrence of the disease.
In addition to everything above, there are some natural and alternative options that you can look into. These complement your dental hygiene routine to help ensure a healthy mouth. Talk to your dentist before using any of these remedies to ensure safety and that you are using them properly.
Since dry mouth is a common cause of gingivitis, it is important to ensure adequate saliva production. Drink plain water all throughout the day and use products that stimulate saliva production. Sugar-free candy and gum are two products that do this and they are inexpensive. Chew or suck on these items throughout the day to keep your mouth moist. Just make sure that these are always sugar-free since sugar can encourage plaque buildup and tooth decay.
If you have gingivitis, talk to your dentist about natural remedies. There are several that you can use along with your dental hygiene routine to treat this gum disease and improve overall mouth health. The most common include:
- Swish with salt water: Take a full glass of water that is lukewarm and add a half teaspoon of table salt. Use this like you use your mouthwash and swish it around your mouth when you complete your dental hygiene routine two to three times daily. You should swish it around for at least 30 seconds each time.
- Use a turmeric paste: Turmeric is an herb that is well-known for calming bacterial activity and reducing swelling, inflammation and pain. Use water and a half teaspoon of turmeric to create a paste. Simply put this on your gums, let it sit for about 10 minutes and then use lukewarm water to rinse it away. You can do this once a day before you brush your teeth so that your brushing removes it and the taste from your mouth completely.
- Baking soda paste: You can actually use baking soda in place of toothpaste in a pinch because it works as a natural antiseptic. Its antiseptic ability is what makes it effective for treating gingivitis. Use lukewarm water and a fourth teaspoon of baking soda to create a paste. Use it to brush your teeth and then let the paste sit on your gums for about two minutes before you rinse it away.
- Lemon juice rinse: Lemon juice is a powerful infection fighter because it has both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The high vitamin C content is also beneficial for fighting against infection. Make sure that you are using the juice from a fresh lemon to get the best results. Take a glass of lukewarm water and mix in the juice of a whole lemon. Use this like a mouthwash and swish it around in your mouth for a full minute. In addition to helping to treat gingivitis, this mixture can also soothe some of the discomforts that come with this gum disease, such as receding gums, sore or tender gums and bleeding gums.
One herbal option that is already prepared is Dental RESCUE Tooth Powder. The ingredients in this product promise to soothe the gums and aid with reversing gum recession and eliminating gum disease.
If you want to stick with herbal formulas, but prefer a rinse over a powder, clinical studies back that The Natural Dentist Antigingivitis Rinse works to alleviate gingivitis. This product also works to reduce the buildup of plaque to prevent a recurrence of this gum disease.
As you can see, gingivitis can be a very serious problem, but you can treat it. There are a number of effective remedies that are proven to treat gingivitis and prevent it from coming back. If you suspect gingivitis, you also want to make an appointment with your dentist. It is important to have an exam to see how far advanced your gingivitis is. This helps you to use the right remedies to get rid of it for good. A professional teeth cleaning will also help to make the treatments that you use at home more effective so that you can be sure that you will recover.
Here’s a video from eHow Health about preventing gingivitis. This may help:
For how long you are suffering from gingivitis? Let us know by commenting below. We will highly appreciate that. 🙂