
How To Tell Someone They Have Bad Breath

How to tell someone they have bad breath?

So how do you tell someone they have bad breath? Not the easiest subject to bring up!

Bad breath, unfortunately, could keep oneself at a distance from someone who carries importance in one’s life. One can encounter difficulty in regularly associating with someone who has chronic bad breath, it can be embarrassing for one who has bad breath as he or she may feel embarrassed in interacting freely with friends and family.

Moreover, one of the most awkward aspects of it is to bring this thing into the knowledge of a person who has a bad breath. It is essential to be circumspect of their emotions and treat them the way that you might want to be dealt with on the off chance that you were in their circumstance. This article illustrates how to let the respective person know he or she has a bad breath without making them feel embarrassed and humiliated.

It is essential to be circumspect of their emotions and treat them the way that you might want to be dealt with on the off chance that you were in their circumstance. This article illustrates how to let the respective person know he or she has a bad breath without making them feel embarrassed and humiliated.

Before discussing the strategies that could be used to tell someone that he or she has a bad breath, it is essential to discuss when exactly one shouldn’t tell someone that their breath smells unpleasant.

According to a survey, most people would want to hear such things from someone they are close to. The reason being as we are close to our friends and family and have a certain rapport with them. It is of course better when our friend tells us of our about than a random person pointing it out. The latter can be very humiliating for most of us.

Almost all of us go through bad breath at some points of our life, for instance during sickness the medication could be the major reason behind smelling bad. Therefore, you should see if the bad breath is a constant problem or something temporarily. There is no point in telling someone about this if they are only having this temporarily due to sickness or other such issue.

Numerous strategies could prove to be effective in this scenario, wondering how do you tell someone they have bad breath. One needs to carefully determine which method could be best and suitable as it also depends on the comfort level with the person. One of the possible strategies could be trying dropping hints before stating this problem directly to the person. But being direct could be the last options if the person is unable to sense the hint.

It should be added that being direct could be the most effective way as through this method all the confusions are avoided and it should be seen as a form of genuine assistance. For example, statements like ‘your breath smells like poop’ or ‘your breath stinks’ should be avoided at any cost. This may sound like something funny to you, but the other person might end up being offended and for the right reason, of course.

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Here’s some good advice on how to tell someone they have bad breath:

  • Do It In Private: There is no need to shout about it from roof tops. All you have to do is wait for the right moment. Bad breath is not a national emergency, and you can wait before you break the news. Timing is of great importance here.

For example –

If you speak to someone at the meeting, you do not have to tell them right away that they smell bad. You can wait for the time in the day when there is nobody around to discuss the matter. This will also make the other person feel that you are genuinely concerned and not trying to taunt them for something they might not be aware of.

  • Talk About Solutions: This is one of the easiest ways of breaking the news. Instead of telling someone their breath smells bad, simply highlight how you’ve heard of a certain mouthwash or toothpaste that helps in this issue. This is called dropping hints and if the person is smart enough, they will understand your point. However, if you see they failed to understand it, you can subtly leave a hint that they should use this product. You can gift him one of this recommended alcohol free mouthwash. This would be much for helpful and s/he would be grateful to you.
  • Use an Example: You can quote an example to let them know about their problem. Simply tell them about a friend that had this issue and how he or she got rid of it.
  • Back Off: It is important to know when to back off. Some individuals begin to consider this a threat and may get offended leading to an argument. The best thing to do in such a case is back off and simply let them cool down. Plus, if things get out of hands you can also explain that you did not mean any insult and were only trying to help.

The main point in this scenario is to bring their attention towards the presence of this issue. This is because they might not even be aware of bad breath. You must do it in a subtle manner, and respect their opinions as well. Telling someone about their weaknesses can be a difficult task, but if you do it in the right manner and at the right time you can easy conquer this.

Hope it helps, let us know in the comment section below how are you planning to tell someone they have bad breath.

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